zcash-android-wallet-sdk / cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext / kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow / collectWith


fun <T> Flow<T>.collectWith(scope: CoroutineScope, block: (T) -> Unit): Unit

Utility for removing some of the boilerplate around Synchronizers and working with flows. Allows for collecting all the elements of a flow with a given scope this is useful when you want to launch multiple things in the same scope at once. Intuitively a developer may try:

scope.launch {
    flow1.collect { collectingFunction1() }
    flow2.collect { collectingFunction2() }

But this results in the collections running sequentially rather than in parallel. Alternatively, This code produces the desired behavior but is verbose and a little unclear:

scope.launch { flow1.collect { collectingFunction1() } }
scope.launch { flow1.collect { collectingFunction2() } }

This extension functions makes the intended behavior a little easier to read by focusing on the flow itself rather than the scope:

flow1.collectWith(scope, ::collectingFunction1)
flow2.collectWith(scope, ::collectingFunction2)