zcash-android-wallet-sdk / cash.z.wallet.sdk / Initializer / <init>


Initializer(appContext: Context, host: String = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_LIGHTWALLETD_HOST, port: Int = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_LIGHTWALLETD_PORT, alias: String = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_DB_NAME_PREFIX)

Responsible for initialization, which can be considered as setup that must happen before synchronizing begins. This begins with one of three actions, a call to either new, import or open, where the last option is the most common case--when a user is opening a wallet they have used before on this device.


appContext - the application context, used to extract the storage paths for the databases and param files. A reference to the context is not held beyond initialization.

host - the host that the synchronizer should use.

port - the port that the synchronizer should use when connecting to the host.

alias - the alias to use for this synchronizer. Think of it as a unique name that allows multiple synchronizers to function in the same app. The alias is mapped to database names for the cache and data DBs. This value is optional and is usually not required because most apps only need one synchronizer.