zcash-android-wallet-sdk / cash.z.wallet.sdk / Synchronizer


interface Synchronizer

Primary interface for interacting with the SDK. Defines the contract that specific implementations like MockSynchronizer and SdkSynchronizer fulfill. Given the language-level support for coroutines, we favor their use in the SDK and incorporate that choice into this contract.



Represents the types of addresses, either Shielded, Transparent or Invalid.

sealed class AddressType


Represents the status of this Synchronizer, which is useful for communicating to the user.

enum class Status



A stream of balance values, separately reflecting both the available and total balance.

abstract val balances: Flow<WalletBalance>


A flow of all the transactions that are on the blockchain.

abstract val clearedTransactions: Flow<PagedList<ConfirmedTransaction>>


A callback to invoke whenever a chain error is encountered. These occur whenever the processor detects a missing or non-chain-sequential block (i.e. a reorg).

abstract var onChainErrorHandler: ((Int, Int) -> Any)?


Gets or sets a global error handler. This is a useful hook for handling unexpected critical errors.

abstract var onCriticalErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)?


An error handler for exceptions during processing. For instance, a block might be missing or a reorg may get mishandled or the database may get corrupted.

abstract var onProcessorErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)?


An error handler for exceptions while submitting transactions to lightwalletd. For instance, a transaction may get rejected because it would be a double-spend or the user might lose their cellphone signal.

abstract var onSubmissionErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)?


A flow of all the outbound pending transaction that have been sent but are awaiting confirmations.

abstract val pendingTransactions: Flow<List<PendingTransaction>>


A flow of processor details, updated every time blocks are processed to include the latest block height, blocks downloaded and blocks scanned. Similar to the progress flow but with a lot more detail.

abstract val processorInfo: Flow<ProcessorInfo>


A flow of progress values, typically corresponding to this Synchronizer downloading blocks. Typically, any non- zero value below 100 indicates that progress indicators can be shown and a value of 100 signals that progress is complete and any progress indicators can be hidden.

abstract val progress: Flow<Int>


A flow of all transactions related to receiving funds.

abstract val receivedTransactions: Flow<PagedList<ConfirmedTransaction>>


A flow of all transactions related to sending funds.

abstract val sentTransactions: Flow<PagedList<ConfirmedTransaction>>


A flow of values representing the Status of this Synchronizer. As the status changes, a new value will be emitted by this flow.

abstract val status: Flow<Status>



Attempts to cancel a transaction that is about to be sent. Typically, cancellation is only an option if the transaction has not yet been submitted to the server.

abstract suspend fun cancelSpend(transaction: PendingTransaction): Boolean


Gets the address for the given account.

abstract suspend fun getAddress(accountId: Int = 0): String


Returns true when the given address is a valid z-addr. Invalid addresses will throw an exception. Valid z-addresses have these characteristics: //TODO copy info from related ZIP

abstract suspend fun isValidShieldedAddr(address: String): Boolean


Returns true when the given address is a valid t-addr. Invalid addresses will throw an exception. Valid t-addresses have these characteristics: //TODO copy info from related ZIP

abstract suspend fun isValidTransparentAddr(address: String): Boolean


Sends zatoshi.

abstract fun sendToAddress(spendingKey: String, zatoshi: Long, toAddress: String, memo: String = "", fromAccountIndex: Int = 0): Flow<PendingTransaction>


Starts this synchronizer within the given scope.

abstract fun start(parentScope: CoroutineScope? = null): Synchronizer


Stop this synchronizer. Implementations should ensure that calling this method cancels all jobs that were created by this instance.

abstract fun stop(): Unit


Validates the given address, returning information about why it is invalid. This is a convenience method that combines the behavior of isValidShieldedAddr and isValidTransparentAddr into one call so that the developer doesn't have to worry about handling the exceptions that they throw. Rather, exceptions are converted to AddressType.Invalid which has a reason property describing why it is invalid.

abstract suspend fun validateAddress(address: String): AddressType



A Synchronizer that attempts to remain operational, despite any number of errors that can occur. It acts as the glue that ties all the pieces of the SDK together. Each component of the SDK is designed for the potential of stand-alone usage but coordinating all the interactions is non- trivial. So the Synchronizer facilitates this, acting as reference that demonstrates how all the pieces can be tied together. Its goal is to allow a developer to focus on their app rather than the nuances of how Zcash works.

class SdkSynchronizer : Synchronizer